Registration FAQ

We know that introducing a new registration system is difficult but we hope that this will help our program in the long run. We have created the FAQ below to answer common questions about this new system and program registration overall. If you continue to have questions or run into issues (for girls or boys registration), please reach out to Paul Summers (boys program directory) at We will continue to update this FAQ as we identify common issues.

Where do I go to register for current programs?

Click here.

Do I need to create an account with Demosphere or can I login with my username and password from the previous registration system?

You will need to create a new account with Demosphere.

My son played during the spring last year and now I need to register my daughter. Do I need to create another account on Demosphere?

No, you can use the same account for the boys and girls programs. You will need to add your daughter as a new member of your household but you won't need a separate login.

My son played for Natick lacrosse previously but did not play during the spring of 2023. Do I need to create a new Demosphere account?

Yes, you will most likely need to create a new account in Demosphere. The spring of 2023 was the first season where Demosphere was used for registration.

Will my information from the old registration system be carried over into this new registration system?

No, the new system did not offer the capability to import user information from other systems.

I have used Demosphere to register my kids for other programs. Do I need a separate login/account for Natick Youth Lacrosse?

I believe you can reuse the account you created for the other program.